Queer CARE

Queer CARE is a research study to develop ways to help queer young people, ages 15-29, cope with suicidal thoughts.
The study is currently recruiting participants. To find out if you are eligible, please fill out the online screener. In case of further questions, you can contact the study team by emailing us at qcare@sdsu.edu or calling (858) 523-8712.
Ecological Momentary Assessment of Eating and Stress
If you struggle with eating and stress, you may be eligible for a research study at SDSU! Individuals aged 18 to 30 enrolled as an undergraduate at US college or university, have a smartphone device to complete daily surveys, and can read/write in English may be eligible.
The purpose of this study is to better understand how body image, stress, and eating interact in individuals. Eligible participants will be asked to complete an orientation visit online via Zoom (1 hour) followed by brief surveys (~3 minutes) six times a day for 14 days.
Participants can earn up to $40 in Amazon gift cards. If you’re interested, please fill out the eligibility survey here: https://tinyurl.com/eatstress. Enter the password “EMAEATSTRESS” to access the survey.
Contact the Principal Investigator (Lexie Convertino, MS) with any questions or about eligibility at (619) 535-8863 or at lconvertino7960@sdsu.edu.
Embodied Experiences of Casual Sex Among Larger-Bodied, Sexual Minority Men